
Recent News with ACIP

Learn about....
ACIP's Monthly Newsletters 
ACIP's Friday Café Meetings 
Injury Prevention Podcasts

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Monthly Newsletters
Find our monthly updates in the newsletters below

 January 2024                               
 February 2024
March 2024
 April 2024
May 2024

 June 2024 

Friday Café Meetings with Atlantic Collaborative on Injury
When? Biweekly, on Friday's from 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Where? Microsoft Teams

See Contents for Previous Meeting infographics
 1. Introduction to ACIP Friday Café's    2. November 24th Meeting Theme    
 3. December 8th Meeting Theme     4. January 5th Meeting Theme    
 5. January 19th Meeting Theme     6. February 2nd Meeting Theme    
 7. February 16th Meeting Theme 8. March 1st Meeting Theme
9. March 15th Meeting Theme 10. April 12th Meeting Theme
11. April 26th Meeting Theme 12. May 10th Meeting Theme 
13. May 24th Meeting Theme 14. June 7th Meeting Theme
15. June 21st Meeting Theme  





1. Safety Services New Brunswick has created a Health and Safety Podcast. 
This Podcast is found HERE or on Apple Music, or Spotify. 

Our Board Chair, Dr. Richard Louis led an episode in November 2023, titled "The leading causes of Injury in New Brunswick" which can be found HERE

Upcoming Events

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