

This page will be used to provide a list of Injury Prevention-related Conferences. This list will be updated regularly. Click on the title of each conference to view the link for more information. 

At the bottom of the page, there is a list of presentations from ACIP's participation in previous Injury Prevention Conferences.

Title of Conference   
                 1. Date: April 9th and 10th, 2025 
2.Location: Toronto, Ontario

                 1. Date: January 24, 2024 
                 2. Location: Virtual @ 8:00pm (AST)  

                1. Date: February 15, 2024 
                2. Location: Virtual @ 1:00pm (AST) 

           1. Date: March 11th-13th, 2024 
           2. Location: Rotorua, Aotearoa, New Zealand 


           1. Date: March 20th-22nd, 2024 
           2. Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia


ACIP has previously hosted and presented at National Injury Prevention Conferences. For interest, check out our list of conference presentations below.  
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explore subfolder image 2010 Conference Presentations
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Dennis Raphael - Keynote
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Dennis Raphael - Workshop
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Heatley - Alcohol Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Injury Indicators - MacPherson Pike
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Intentional Injury - Angela Davis
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Intentional Injury - Michelle Smith
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Intentional Injury - Timothy Christie
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Jay Kassirer - Social Marketing
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file KTE Panel - Alison MacPherson
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Cindi Mosher
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Darlene Ricketts
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Heather Oakley
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Sally Lockhart
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Seniors' Falls Suzanne Baker
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Toba Bryant Policy Change
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Young Landry - Helmet Safety
explore subfolder image 2012 Conference Presentations
A video file Download Preceding File An Opening Message from NB Lieutenant Governor
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - ACIP An Illustrated Visual History by Julian Young
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Dr David Sleet Keynote - Primacy of Translation
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Family Resource Panel Housing and Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Ian Pike First Nations Injury Prevention
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - JoAnne Savoie Concussion Management
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Lisa Tobin Hypersexualization Impacts
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Lynne Fenerty Concussions
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 1 - Pam Fuselli Child Safety Good Practice Guide
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Ann Hogan Acute Care and Injury Prevention
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Chantal Walsh Challenges for Safety and Injury Prevention for Families
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Dan Steeves Alcohol in our Communities
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Pam Fuselli What is Parachute
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Pierre Maurice Prevention de la violence
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Robert Strang Alcohol and Injury
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Sandra Newton Conference Closing and Thank You
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Day 2 - Shirley Ann Rogers Learning from Tobacco
explore subfolder image 2015 Conference Presentations
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Child IP Program ACIP Presentation June 2015 for website final
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Cowle_ACIP Pres_June 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Erdogan_ACIP 2015_Intox Driver SR_20150608
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Erdogan_ACIP 2015_Ped Sport Injury_20150609
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Finding Balance - Falls Panel 2015 ACIP (3)
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Insight Studio ACIP Presentation June 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Recreation and Resiliency - June 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file SBaker presentation
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Snowmobile Safety Awareness Mazein Labrador - Janice White ACIP 2015 [Compatibility Mode]
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Social Media And Injury Prevention
explore subfolder image 2018 Conference Presentations
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP FALLS workshop Final June 2018
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_InjurySurveillance__Tanenbaum
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_Physical literacy_FallPrevention_Tanenbaum_Final
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file ACIP_Risk and Play_Tanenbaum
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Eddison_ConcurrentSession2
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Fuselli Vision Zero in Canada Concurrent Session3
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Fuselli_Concussion Protocol Harmonization Concurrent Session 3
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Noonan_RaisingAwarenessofLRDG_post ACIP conference
An Adobe Acrobat file Download Preceding File Preview the file Stark_Poison Prevention ConcurrentSession4

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