Sub-populations and age groups can be considered social determinants of injury due to various social and economic conditions that may place these populations at higher risk of injury.
For instance, falls are the leading cause of injury for seniors, whereas, motor vehicle related-injuries, poisonings, drowning, and burns, are the leading causes of injury for children. Adolescents can have a higher susceptibility to injury due to their higher participation rates in risk-taking behaviors.
- Injury is the leading cause of death for Atlantic Canadians aged 1-44 years old.
- For children aged 0-14 years old, falls is the leading cause of injury.
- For youth aged 15-24 years old, transport incidents are the leading cause of injury
- For adults aged 25-64 years old, falls are the leading cause of injury
- For adults aged 65 and above falls are the leading cause of injury.
- In 2018, for children aged 0-14 years old, there were 845 hospitalizations, 46,767 emergency department visits, and 205 disabilities related to injury.
- In 2018, for youth aged 15-24 years old, there were 1,269 hospitalizations, 52,327 emergency department visits and 348 disabilities related to injury.
- In 2018, for adults aged 25-64 years old, there were 5,070, 129,382 emergency department visits and 1,211 disabilities related to injury.
- In 2018, for adults aged 65 and above, there were 7,646 hospitalizations, 45,090 emergency department visits and 2,184 disabilities related to injury.
